پرش به محتوا

جئیمز ناکس پولک

ویکی‌پدیادان، آچیق بیلیک‌لیک‌دن
James K. Polk
11th President of the United States
March 4, 1845 – March 4, 1849
جومهور باشقانی یاردیمجی‌سیجورج ام. دالاس
قاباقکیجان تایلر
سونراکیزکری تئیلور
9th Governor of Tennessee
October 14, 1839 – October 15, 1841
قاباقکینیوتون کانون
سونراکیجیمز سی. جونز
13th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
December 7, 1835 – March 3, 1839
قاباقکیJohn Bell
سونراکیرابرت ام. تی. هانتر
Chair of the
House Ways and Means Committee
March 4, 1833 – March 4, 1835
قاباقکیقولیان سی. ورپلانک
سونراکیچورچیل سی. کامبرلنق
Member of the
U.S. House of Representatives
from تنسی ایالتی
March 4, 1825 – March 3, 1839
قاباقکیجان آلزاندر کوک
سونراکیهاروئی مئیج واترزون
سئچکی دایره‌سی6th district (1833–1839)
9th district (1825–1833)
شخصی بیلگیلر
James Knox Polk

۲ نوامبر ۱۷۹۵
Pineville, North Carolina, U.S.
اؤلوم۱۵ ژوئن ۱۸۴۹ (۵۳ یاش)
نشویل, U.S.
اؤلوم سببیCholera
ایستراحت یئریTennessee State Capitol
سیاسی حزبیآمریکا بیرلشمیش ایالتلرین دموکرات حزبی
حیات یولداشلاریSarah Childress (ائولی ۱۸۲۴)
والئدینیSamuel Polk
Jane Knox
تحصیلقوزئی کارولینا چپل هیل بیلیم‌یوردو (BA)
ایمضاسیCursive signature in ink
تاخما آدیYoung Hickory, Napoleon of the Stump

جئیمز ناکس پولک اینگیلیسجه:James konx polk(دوغوم:۱۷۹۵،اؤلوم:۱۸۴۹) آمریکا بیرلشمیش ایالتلری اؤلکه‌سی‌نین ۱۱اینجی جومهورباشقانی . ۱۸۴۵ دن ۱۸۴۹ قدر ایش اؤستونده اولدو.






  • Bergeron, Paul H. (1986). The Presidency of James K. Polk. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press. ISBN 978-0-7006-0319-0.

آرتیق اوخو

  • Chaffin, Tom. Met His Every Goal? James K. Polk and the Legends of Manifest Destiny (University of Tennessee Press; 2014) 124 pages.
  • De Voto, Bernard. The Year of Decision: 1846. Houghton Mifflin, 1943.
  • Dusinberre, William. "President Polk and the Politics of Slavery". American Nineteenth Century History 3.1 (2002): 1–16. ISSN 1466-4658. Argues he misrepresented strength of abolitionism, grossly exaggerated likelihood of slaves' massacring white families and seemed to condone secession.
  • Kornblith, Gary J. "Rethinking the Coming of the Civil War: a Counterfactual Exercise". Journal of American History 90.1 (2003): 76–105. ISSN 0021-8723. Asks what if Polk had not gone to war.
  • McCormac, Eugene Irving. James K. Polk: A Political Biography to the End of a Career, 1845–1849. Univ. of California Press, 1922. (1995 reprint has آی‌اس‌بی‌ان 0-945707-10-X.) hostile to Jacksonians.
  • Morrison, Michael A. "Martin Van Buren, the Democracy, and the Partisan Politics of Texas Annexation". Journal of Southern History 61.4 (1995): 695–724. ISSN 0022-4642. Discusses the election of 1844. online edition Archived 2012-05-24 at the Wayback Machine..
  • Pinheiro, John C. Manifest Ambition: James K. Polk and Civil-Military Relations during the Mexican War. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007.
  • Sellers, Charles. James K. Polk, Jacksonian, 1795–1843 (1957) vol 1 online; and James K. Polk, Continentalist, 1843–1846. (1966) vol 2 online; long scholarly biography.
  • Silbey, Joel H. (2014). A Companion to the Antebellum Presidents 1837–1861. Wiley. pp. 195–290. ISBN 9781118609293.
  • Smith, Justin Harvey. The War with Mexico, Vol 1. (2 vol 1919), full text online.
  • Smith, Justin Harvey. The War with Mexico, Vol. 2. (2 vol 1919). full text online; Pulitzer prize; still the standard source.
  • Winders, Richard Bruce. Mr. Polk's army: the American military experience in the Mexican war. No. 51. Texas A&M University Press, 2001.

Primary sources

  • Cutler, Wayne, et al. Correspondence of James K. Polk. 1972–2004. آی‌اس‌بی‌ان 1-57233-304-9. Ten vol. scholarly edition of the complete correspondence to and from Polk.
  • Polk, James K. Polk: The Diary of a President, 1845–1849: Covering the Mexican War, the Acquisition of Oregon, and the Conquest of California and the Southwest. Vol. 296. Capricorn Books, 1952.
  • Polk, James K. The Diary of James K. Polk During His Presidency, 1845–1849 edited by Milo Milton Quaife, 4 vols. 1910. Abridged version by Allan Nevins. 1929, online Archived 2012-05-24 at the Wayback Machine..

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James K. Polk