شابلون:Mexican Stock Exchange
(شابلون:BMV-دن يوْللاندیریلمیش)
شابلون بلگهلهمهسی
Provides a link based on a Mexican Stock Exchange stock symbol.
Please remember to categorize articles which use this template under بؤلمه:Companies listed on the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.
Type the following:
{{bmv|XXXX Z|YYYY}}
- XXXX with the company's stock symbol
- YYYY with the numbers found in the URL of the stock at http://www.bmv.com.mx
- Z (optional) with the class of stock
- Example
For the URL: http://www.bmv.com.mx/en/issuers/profile/BIMBO-5163
{{bmv|BIMBO A|5163}}