ایتالیا ساواشلاری
{{Infobox military conflict | conflict = Italian Wars | image = Battle of Pavia, oil on panel.jpg | caption = The Battle of Pavia by unknown Flemish artist (16th century). | date = 1494–1498; 1499–1504; 1508–1516; 1521–1530; 1536–1538; 1542–1546; 1551–1559 | place = Italian peninsula | result = Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis:
- میلان دوکلیغی and Southern Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia) under Habsburg Spain
- France restores Corsica to the جنوا جومهوریتی and Piedmont to the Duke of Savoy.
- Papacy, Florence and Venice remain sovereign entities.
| combatant1 =
مقدس روم ژرمن ایمپراتورلوغو
England (1496–1526; 1542–1559)
- Variable Italian states
| combatant2 =
England (1526–1528)
عوثمانلی ایمپیراتورلوغو (1536–1559)
- Variable Italian states
| commander1 =
{{Infobox military conflict | conflict = Italian Wars | image = Battle of Pavia, oil on panel.jpg | caption = The Battle of Pavia by unknown Flemish artist (16th century). | date = 1494–1498; 1499–1504; 1508–1516; 1521–1530; 1536–1538; 1542–1546; 1551–1559 | place = Italian peninsula | result = Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis:
- میلان دوکلیغی and Southern Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia) under Habsburg Spain
- France restores Corsica to the جنوا جومهوریتی and Piedmont to the Duke of Savoy.
- Papacy, Florence and Venice remain sovereign entities.
| combatant1 =
مقدس روم ژرمن ایمپراتورلوغو
England (1496–1526; 1542–1559)
- Variable Italian states
| combatant2 =
England (1526–1528)
عوثمانلی ایمپیراتورلوغو (1536–1559)
- Variable Italian states
| commander1 =