Name | Hex (RGB) |
Red (RGB) |
Green (RGB) |
Blue (RGB) |
Hue (HSL/HSV) |
Satur. (HSL) |
Light (HSL) |
Satur. (HSV) |
Value (HSV) |
Color table header, for use with {{Colort/Color}}, which generates the rows.
[دَییشدیر]{{Colort|optional parameters}}
See {{Colort/Color}} for usage.
- switches a narrow variant that is not sortable and has two rows per color
|caption=markup text
- An alternative table caption, replaces the default
|class=HTML class
- More classes to be applied to the table
|style=CSS code
- More styles to be applied to the table
- If set an additional column header is added at the end with a default text: “Alias”
|alias=markup text
- If present an additional column header is added at the end with the text provided
|alias title=plain text
- The hover information to be displayed for the header cell of the optional column, default is “CSS, SVG, HTML”
[دَییشدیر]See X11 color names, Web colors, List of colors, ...
Template data
[دَییشدیر]Extended content
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
بدون توصیف.
- Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Colort.
- Click here to see a monthly parameter usage report for Template:Colort/Color.